Your mediator always has a sympathetic ear. Our mediators are professionals with extensive experience in mediation in employment relationships.
Mediators are recognised by the government and in case law, and comply with the applicable complaints procedure and disciplinary case law. Naturally, they also comply with the statutory duty of confidentiality.
Expertise and quality.
All our mediators are listed in the MFN-register. This is an independent quality framework, so you are assured that our mediators have ample knowledge and skills.
What does a mediator do?
A mediator is an independent intermediary. They help parties in a conflict situation to get the conversation with one another going and resolve the conflict. The person at the table representing the organisation is usually the supervisor or the HR manager. The mediator listens carefully and afterwards list the facts. This makes the interests of both parties evident. And creates mutual understanding. This often leads to a solution.
The mediation ends when both parties agree on a solution. Often, the new way of communicating and mutual understanding leads to an improved relationship with each other. For the employee, the working environment becomes safe again.
Sometimes the best solution is to terminate the employment contract, come to solid agreements and make a new start.
The mediator's role in the mediation process is:
- Allowing both parties to tell their side of the story and structuring the conversation
- Listening, summarising and asking further questions, so that it is clear what the positions of both parties are
- Establishing balance and effective agreements
- Monitoring progress and the procedure
- If it is clear where the problems lie and what the causes are, the mediator will guide the search for a solution to the conflict

Edith Stouthamer

Charine Resink

Pierre Konings

Ineke van Gijssel